Stories from Tanzania

posted in: Africa, Stories, Travels, Volunteering | 7

[Latest update: 02/05/2024]

Tanzania is been my introduction to Africa, when everything appeared new and I constantly found myself amazed by life and everything surrounding me.
Stories and what transform a travel into something to be told and shared. And since pictures speaks more than words, here are my stories from Tanzania to reed and look at.

Life snapshots and stories to tell collected on a trip to Africa: Tanzania, 2016.

Pinterest image for "Stories from Tanzania": black and white picture of a group of children praying

All the images in this page are owned by the author and therefore protected by copyright.
Some can be bought on Shutterstock, 123RF and Dreamtime.

1- The householder

Stories from Tanzania #1: Old Masai woman uses a stick and a hand on the wall to stable herself before telling her family's story.

She’s a Masai woman who speaks only her local dialect and doesn’t know her own age. She looks like 120 years old, but considering that her nephews is maybe 7 and here women are all already mums by the time they turn 20, she must be much younger than what I think. She’s having difficulties walking or even standing, She needs her stick and she lays a hand on the wall of her house to balance herself. But she offers seats to everybody and takes a little footstool for herself. She’s probably still sitting on it right now, because I really can’t see how she could possibly get up from that position. This grandmother is raising her little orphan nephew, she sends him to school and teaches him life. This grandma is my hero of the day.

2 – Parallel universes

Stories from Tanzania #2: Portrait of a beautiful Tanzanian woman

This young lady is a mum. If she lived in Europe she would also be a model. A very serious model, but a model nonetheless. But in her village she’s only a mum. A stunning mum.

3 – Magic soap

W group of children dressed up in school uniform plays with soap bubbles in the compound of the school.

How many children can be simultaneously entertained with bubbles?

4 – A school day in Karatu

A fully packed mix ages class of children in Karatu, Tanzania

I tried to hide… I apologies once more to the teacher who spent 20 minutes to manage to sit them all tidy again. But that was it, the lesson finished because a camera appeared and it’s well known that when a camera is around everybody’s attention is stolen away forever.

5 – Children’s faith

Black and white picture of a group of children praying with folded hands.

This child invites his friends to his place because the white people are visiting. This child and his friends pray with the white people but they find it hard to hard to keep from laughing because the white people speak a funny language.

6 – Expressions of joy

Arusha: A group of Masai children wearing half traditional dress or school uniforms poses for the camera.

Look! Look! A camera!
We want a picture!
Me first! Me first!
What do you mean “smile”…? Why?

7 – Works without traffic issues

Life in Tanzania: Motorway Moshi-Arusha with works, a lane is not paved yet and there's a deep ditch in the middle of the road.

Highway Moshi-Arusha.
Note for myself: never complain about my western highway ever again.

8 – Happiness’ story

Stories from Tanzania: A woman holds here daughter, posing for the camera in front of her house.

Happiness divorced a violent man. She has a small terrain that her father gave her and she can plant beans that will later on sell on the streets. Happiness is renting a little house for 7.50$ per month, because in her terrain there’s a wooden hut that gets flooded during the rainy season. The hut has to be properly rebuilt with bricks before moving in, but Happiness doesn’t have that money. Not yet. In the dry season, maybe.

9 – Siege to the bus

Bus parked in the compound of a school in the suburbs of Arusha. It's surrounded by children in school uniform greeting the visitors.

It’s so hard to leave you after a good day together! We had fun, thank you for playing with us!

10 – Houses made with cows

Storie dalla Tanzania: Masai family posing in front of their house made of clay and cow rest, they built themself.

A Masai family in front of their clay and cow dung house. It’s around 3 pm, I’ve been walking for like 15-20 minutes to reach this group of houses risking to collapse due to serious heatstroke and dehydration and I’m getting ready to enter this small house with other too-many people. It’s round with a low roof and two windows as big as a cat door. I take out my lifesaver fan, sure it will not be enough: I’m ready to face Death on the other side of the doorstep, I can feel her waiting for me, grinning. I brace myself and take a step. And suddenly… chill air in the house! How I love Masai cows….

11 – Hunting in Ngorongoro Conservation Area

Un gruppo di leoni passeggiano tranquilli attorno ad un fuoristrada di turisti nell'area di conservazione Ngorongoro

Hunting scene: a trio of wild hungry big kitties are taking their time to strike down their pray. SPOILER: Pray out of the picture frame. It was a big buffalo and he managed to escape

12 – Hard Masai life in Tanzania

Alcuni ragazzi Masai in abiti semi tradizionali ridono all'ombra delle palme mentre si mettono in posa per una foto

Look how I strike a pose!
Young Masai laughing at me.

If you enjoyed reading these stories, you can also read Stories from the Philippines!

All the images in this page are owned by the author and therefore protected by copyright.
Some can be bought on Shutterstock, 123RF and Dreamtime.

7 Responses

  1. Lazar

    Hello nice story, you need to share worldwide but you need more information

  2. GiGi Eats

    I went to Africa almost 2 years ago and it was a life changing experience for so many reason. I appreciate and actually have a serious respect for the continent and all those who live there 🙂

  3. Jess

    I really love how you did this! Very unique- adding your own “life” captions, rather than textbook info. Beautiful pictures, also!

    • The Lady

      Everybody’s story is touching, if we stop and listen! 😉

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